IPL Data Analysis and Score Prediction
It is a web app where all the IPL stats from 2008 to 2017 are present in numeric form as well as in graphic form. A score predictor is also there that takes ...
It is a web app where all the IPL stats from 2008 to 2017 are present in numeric form as well as in graphic form. A score predictor is also there that takes ...
It is a Dashboard that visualizes and helps to analyze the covid situation in India. Trends for virus affected cases are traced right from its first case on ...
Exploratory Data Analysis of Clothing Reviev dataset of Indian e-commerce site. Plotly is used as data visualization library.
The project is based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) technique in Deep Learning. Model is trained to classify the images of Cats and Dogs
A Machine Learning based project deployed on Heroku and developed with Python and streamlit library. Supervised Machine Learning Classification problem, solv...